Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Whole30 : Day 22, 23, and 24

Day 22:

*breakfast - 2 hardboiled egg whites (wasn't really hungry)
*lunch - Napa Chicken from Applebee's, minus the sauce and the potatoes (Thanks for lunch, Grandad! Thanks for getting everybody together, Cousin Jerry!)
*snack - Cashew Cookie Larabar (eh...not my favorite)
*supper - leftover hamburger patty with caramelized onions and sauteed mushrooms; leftover roasted broccoli; one small cucumber; one peach

Day 23:

*breakfast - leftover Cinnamon Steak; one peach
*lunch - leftover hamburger patty with caramelized onions and sauteed mushrooms; sliced tomato; one small cucumber
*snack - handful of walnuts
*supper - Chili Pulled Pork lettuce wraps with guacamole (I added a diced tomato...minus the seedy goop...to the guacamole.)

Day 24:

*breakfast - 3 hardboiled egg whites; frozen mango; handful of walnuts
*lunch - leftover Chili Pulled Pork w/cilantro and diced tomato; one small cucumber
*snack - Cherry Pie Larabar
*supper - half of a barbacoa salad from Chipotle

Time is flying! B and I are both feeling really good. I'm starting to plan ahead for life after our Whole30 ends. I really, really want to stick close to it and eat as "clean" as possible while still enjoying some splurges every now and then. That's my plan...now hold me to it!

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