Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 2: Colonial Williamsburg and DC

Day 2 started "late" (8:00) with a journey back to Colonial Williamsburg. We had the same tour guides, and this time I hung out with the boy group and their tour guide Asa. I was so, so pleased with those little men. They paid attention, asked intelligent questions, and really represented Bus 3 and our school well. As much as I enjoyed it, Colonial Williamsburg is sort of an odd place. Mixed with the pre-Revolution buildings and horse-drawn carriages are utility trucks and joggers listening to iPods. I would find myself getting lost in colonial times, only to be brought back to reality by orange cones and caution tape. Interesting. The boys and parents had me cracking up. Everytime we would see an animal, someone would comment: "Look, there's a colonial cow!" or "Did you see that colonial squirrel?" Hmm, maybe you just had to be there :) We had a great box lunch (alas, no fried chicken) and the kiddos got to run around in a field for a while...very peaceful. We wrapped up our tour, shopped a bit (not sure if the colonials liked Baskin Robbins, but we sure do!), and headed out.

Three hours later, we arrived in DC. We had supper at the ESPN Zone which was an enormous hit with the kiddos. They got a card to play arcade games was a madhouse. We then hopped on the buses to take a nighttime tour of the city and headed to the hotel. We stayed at the Crowne Plaza in Maryland (or was it Virginia?)...Sash and I must have been living right because we scored a sweet suite. In our defense, we did offer it up in case someone else needed it! Nightly medicine rounds, debriefing, bedtime, and on to day 3!

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