I'm back. Been gone a while. I've been very busy and very "blah" at the same time. Does that even make sense? School has started and life is jam-packed, but I've been spending significantly less time on the computer, and thus have neglected the ol' blog. I haven't even read anybody else's blogs. Just. Not. Feelin' it. I've gotten a few emails and facebook messages asking where I've been, so those made me smile. Thanks so much, yall! I'll try to get back in the swing of things.
*I really like my new class. Very feisty, and very smart. This should be a fun year.
*I've got sinus troubles, which is (sadly) nothing new. Breathing is pretty fun, and I miss it. I'm rapidly losing my voice. Should make for an interesting day tomorrow.
*I've missed my blog buds. It may take me a while, but I'll get caught up again.
*I just want to sew and sleep this weekend. I hope I can make that happen.
*It's really, really bad hot here. I know we'll see 90s until October, but I'm so over it. Recess on a sunny playground at 1:00 is hellish.
*It's very dry here. I miss the rain. Maybe we'll have some again someday.
*Remember that time when payday seemed to get farther and farther away instead of closer? Yeah, I do.
*Yesterday was a day where the bad news just kept coming. If you're a praying person, I know some people who would really appreciate those prayers. As my wise friend Julie Conway Evans said...I know bad things existed when we were kids, but we were sheltered from them and life was easy. This grownup thing takes some getting used to. (Oh, and I'd put a link to Julie's blog here...but she doesn't have one. Shall we get on that, darling JCE??? Kidding! Kind of.)
*My fab cousin Jerry stopped to eat supper with us Sunday night on his way back to Atlanta. It was a small group, but a good one. Love my family, and love visiting with Jerry. Doesn't happen nearly often enough. Daddy made his world-famous enchiladas, which is always a good thing.
*I took my very last leftover enchilada for lunch today. I carried it on a glass plate. I took it out of the microwave. I immediately dropped it on the floor, watched the plate shatter, heard the screams of children, and saw my tasty enchilada ooze onto the floor. It was a sad moment. A billion thanks to Mrs. Brenda who made me get a school lunch so I wouldn't go hungry. At least it wasn't fish nugget day.
*Mimi, her friend Mrs. Linda, and I went and saw "The Help" on Saturday. From seeing the previews, I was expecting it to be wildly different from the book, and it wasn't. Overall, I loved it. Really, really great story. They took me to Waffle House afterward for lunch. The three of us have had some adventures together, and I'm glad to add our outing Saturday to the list.
*I'm hoping I'll be a better blog friend soon. Thank yall for loving me anyway.