Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring's done sprung

Even though the calendar doesn't back me up, I've decided to make it official. Spring has arrived! If the extra daylight, buds, blooms, and chirping birds weren't signal enough, my sinuses have made sure I know what season it is. I spent some time yesterday afternoon (one of the most glorious afternoons in the history of the world) taking in the springtime splendor...

{The color of sweet brand new baby leaves is my absolute favorite shade of green.}

{one of my favorite pictures I've taken in a very long time...just fyi :)}

With all of this springtime splendor bursting forth, I have a feeling my NetiPot and I are about to become close, personal friends again. It's about that time.


  1. This is what I did yesterday, too! Beautimous pictures my sweet friend!

  2. Aren't Nedipots great!! Your pictures are really nice.we have had almost 4 inches of rain since last's been great! I'm on spring break this next week! Let's see if I actually can get a few post up on my blog.

  3. LA, thanks :) Would love to see your pictures, and I would love to see your pretty face sooooon! Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Annesta, they are indeed wonderful! I bet things are growing like crazy around there with all that rain. Yall's rain is making its way over to's supposed to rain all week here. ENJOY your spring break; I look forward to checking in with you on your blog!


  5. That last photo is gorgeous. I love the branches against the blue sky. I recently took a similar photo of our dogwood, just posted it last night.

  6. Sarah Barry, thanks for the compliment :) I was pretty pumped about that picture because it's straight out of the camera. That was just a perfect afternoon with perfect lighting and a perfect blue, cloudless sky. I'm off to your blog to catch up and to see your new picture...enjoy your weekend!



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