Today I am thankful for...
- the good Lord and billionth chances
- my family and friends, and the feeling of being loved unconditionally
- my health, and the health of my loved ones
- a roof over my head, clean running water, food in my fridge, clothes in my closet, shoes on my feet, a dependable car, my washer & dryer, all the other appliances and doodads that make my life convenient, enough money to pay for my needs and some every now and then for my wants
- my job, my sweet coworkers, and my enthusiastic students...they keep my days fun and my job interesting!
- a precious student who gives me a hug every single day before leaving and says, "Thanks for being my teacher!"...every day without fail...such a nice way to end my day
- my students totally slaying division these days...that makes me so happy!
- October...aka, my absolute favorite month of the year
- fall weather, even though it's still a bit warm around these parts
- a fun day spent with Mom last Sunday
- getting to take supper to Kira and Oliver and their babes them
- the rock that cracked my windshield the other day, because that means that I have a car
- answered and unanswered prayers
- plans to see The Lumineers next week with some of my very favorite people!
- the safe arrival of handsome Baby Jace this week
- good sleep and a comfortable bed
- being literate, and the opportunity to volunteer at the literacy center every week...such a great program
- Impractical Jokers...absolutely hilarious
- vitamins
- the stack of papers I still need to grade tonight, because that means I have a job
- comfortable shoes
- Commander in Chic on my all-time favorite fall and winter nail polish, and it makes me happy every time I look at it
- folks who make me laugh
- First Wednesday service last night
- my sweet new friend Ashley...we were prayer partners the first week of our small group, found out we're going through similar things in our lives, and have hit it off from there...that makes me so happy!
- encouragement
- the fact that God's plan trumps mine, even when I put up a struggle...I think it's best if He's in charge instead of me ;)
- a good walk tonight and no knee pain...jogging again soon?
- the weekend right around the corner!
- my simple little life
- contentment
- weekends :)
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