Friday, June 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday...on a Friday

During summer break, I tend to lose sight of what day it is. I spent the whole of yesterday, a very nice day, convinced that it was Wednesday. It was not Wednesday but was, in fact, Thursday. Which means today is Friday. I feel like I lost a whole day of my life. What does it all mean? Waaaaaa! Building a bridge and getting over it...

Today I am thankful for...
  • the never failing grace of God
  • my family and friends and their health and safety
  • my health
  • my job, and that it provides me a lovely break between school years
  • this chance to rest and relax
  • being able to take more than 15 minutes to eat my lunch
  • being able to drink as much water as I want and visit the facilities whenever I want :)
  • air conditioning, particularly this week...the highs are nearing 100 degrees, the humidity is swampy, and it's miserable outside
  • my new popsicle fun
  • a chance to catch up on reading the books I've been trying to get to for months
  • electricity, a roof over my head, clothes and shoes, plenty of food, clean running water
  • a fun girls' weekend approaching
  • the fact that Garrett Jones is still fighting for his life as hard as he can...he's a friend of a friend, a tornado survivor who lost his wife of 8 months...check his blog out and please add him and his family/friends to your prayers
  • exciting news that Lisa and her husband have decided to adopt!
  • Suzy's recipes this week: Chicken Asiago Spinach Quiche and Mocha Chocolate Chip Scones
  • plans with Mimi & Grandad this weekend



  1. Ah, plans with Mimi and very fun!
    Summer break is so much fun..I do miss that. Keep resting and making yummy Popsicles.

  2. I love that you are willing to admit you don't know what day it is cause we have all been fussing as to what day we are one -- all we know is there are 21 days til beach - a week til VBS - and two days til golf camp -- Have fun reading - I am on third book for summer list!!! Share what good reads you have on your list!!!

  3. Annesta, the Mimi/Grandad/Julie date was lots of fun. I'll blog about it next week. I'm resting enough for the two of us :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  4. Penny, I'll be working on a book list to share. I seriously have not stopped reading...does that make me a nerd? I don't care! I read by the pool, before bed, waiting on a load of laundry, at the doctor's office...everywhere I can :) I know you're enjoying time at home with all your babies. Sop it up, girl!



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