Today I am thankful for...
- the grace and patience and forgiveness of the good Lord
- my family, friends, and my dear Doc
- my health, and the health of my loved ones...I hope I never take that for granted
- a lovely Thanksgiving spent with the people I love
- turkey, dressing, and cranberry sauce
- the fact that my loved ones still love me in spite of the obscene quantities of turkey, dressing, and cranberry sauce I took down yesterday
- a fun little date night this evening
- reminders to focus on the positive and be optimistic
- the fact that (although to my disappointment) things don't always go like I want them to...the good Lord is much better at planning than I am
- reminders this week to be selfless and put others before myself
- my Mama's wisdom, and that she always chooses to share it just when I need it
- getting to visit with Daddy on his lunch break today...we're like the 2 Musketeers
- all that's happening right now for my Bubba...a finished preceptorship (yay!), graduation right around the corner, and a job already lined up...God is so good!
- the fact that anybody wants to read the drivel I put on my long-neglected little blog
- a break from work to recharge my batteries a bit
- a sweet, out-of-the-blue card in the mail this week...finding something fun in my mailbox makes me geekily excited
- the opportunity to travel to God's country (aka, Auburn) for the Iron Bowl this weekend
- laughter
- shoes on my feet, food in my fridge, clothes in my closet, a roof over my head, clean running water, a car, and a little bit of money left in my bank account at the end of the month
- my job, my coworkers, and the fun little people I spend my days with
- the ridiculously comfortable new bed in my room at my parents' house...I had a hard time dragging myself away from it today
- clean sheets
- hot showers
- Excedrin
- crunchy leaves
- beautiful, beautiful fall weather
- weekends