Sunday, April 29, 2012

She said YES!!!

I. Am so. Excited. Reallyreallyreallyreallyreally excited :) My brother and his lovely girlfriend of three and a half years got ENGAGED yesterday! I was beyond honored to be asked to take pictures of the big moment. Bubba and I had been chatting over the phone about this for weeks, so I felt like I was prepared...until yesterday. Trying to figure out exactly where he wanted me to be without seeing the spot ahead of time was nerve-wracking. The texts were flying fast and furious while we tried to coordinate things without tipping off Olivia (who was right beside him). Bubba told me where to go, I had a hiding spot squared away, and my camera shot was all set up. This whole plan was riding on me being hidden because Olivia would surely be suspicious if she realized I was in town...and randomly at the same park they were. I thought we'd gotten everything figured out, but Olivia threw a kink into the plans...

Me: U here yet?
Bub: Come on and look out for us. Kinda hide I guess.
{Me: Kinda hide??? What the heck does that mean?}
Bub: She wanted to come the opposite way so we'll be coming at you head on. Get in position and look out. Hurry!
{Me: Sheer panic. Wait...what is "the opposite way"? Where will they be? Am I in the right spot? Am I going to miss it? Or worse, are they going to see me and the whole thing'll be ruined? Where do I go???}
Me: I see u! (unbeknownst to me at that moment, that couple with the dog I was looking at was NOT them)
Bub: Ok, here goes.
Me: (realizing my mistake) Wait, no! Not u! Not u!! Where are yall???

I didn't hear back from him and I felt sick. I was going to miss it. Either that or I was going to be spotted and ruin the whole surprise. Finally, I saw them come around the bend and, sure enough, I was directly in their line of sight. I frantically looked for a place to hide and, finding nothing suitable, had to lay flat on my belly in the dirt and mulch behind a tree. Excellent. 

Thankfully, I ended up getting some great shots and Olivia never saw me until Bubba pointed me out. I am so thankful that he was able to totally surprise her. She had no clue whatsoever! What a special, precious moment in time! Completely worth the stress and my scratched up legs :)

{The only thing I heard during this moment was Olivia squealing, "Are you kidding me???"}

{She said yes!}

{She was completely floored. I'm so happy Bub was able to pull off a total surprise!}

{She couldn't stop was precious.}

{coming to help me brush the dirt off}

{calling her mom and surveying the goods}

{She literally couldn't stop giggling.}

{Love them!}

{Bub put SO much thought into that bling on her finger. Gorgeous!}

{It's not official until it's facebook official :) }

Looks like we've got a wedding to plan!


  1. So fun and the pictures are wonderful!!!

  2. Yay! So fun and how romantic is your brother??!!
    You got some really great shots...good job. Can't wait for all the planns as they unfold.

  3. Lauren, so excited to hear from you! I'm fixing to go read your daddy's guest post now...yall have been in my prayers! You know you've really made it when you have a guest poster on your blog :) We are all very excited about Bubba and Olivia's engagement. It's been a long time coming! The pictures aren't quite as in focus as I'd like them to be, but I've never had to shoot in such a hurry. At least the memory is recorded!

    Happy new week, friend!


  4. Annesta, I know! He honestly really surprised me with all of this. He's usually very reserved about his feelings, but he wanted this to be perfect for Olivia. They really are two peas in a pod. Thanks for the compliment! They're a bit out of focus, but it was the best I could do laying on my belly! I'm just glad they have pictures to remember that special moment. I'll be sure to share about the plans as they start unfolding!

    Thanks for stopping by, dear friend!


  5. Wow! So much fun. How lucky they are that you captured their special moments...those will be priceless. Great work and congrats to your family!

  6. Elizabeth, thanks so much! This has been a long time coming, so we are very glad he finally bit the bullet :) I'm excited to help Olivia plan her dream day!

    Thanks for stopping by, friend!



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