Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for...

  • the good Lord
  • my wonderful B, and the fact that I have the BEST boyfriend in the world...he makes me laugh and makes me feel special every single day
  • my sweet family and friends
  • a roof over my head, clean running water, food in my fridge, clothes in my closet, shoes on my feet, enough money to take care of my needs, warm showers, my comfortable bed, air conditioning, the doodads and gadgets that make my life convenient
  • my job, my coworkers, my students (past AND future), and the fact that I get a summer break (and a paycheck during my summer break!)
  • glorious summer break
  • good sleep
  • early mornings
  • safe travels for B and his coworkers while they're out of town
  • the cloudy, stormy days we've had lately, though I sure wouldn't mind seeing blue skies again sometime soon
  • finally finding the motivation to finish fixing up my little home...3 months after I moved :)
  • a really, really, ridiculously fun Independence Day celebration with great friends
  • a great lunch with Mama, DennyJ, and B last Sunday...good food, good conversation, and dominoes...good times
  • getting to visit with Rachel at her new home last week...excited to have her closer!
  • a celebration dinner with B on Tuesday night...we were celebrating the fact that he lost more weight than me during our Whole30, and he chose Cheesecake better way to celebrate weight loss than with a big slab of cheesecake :)
  • a fun dinner at Zoe's with Byrne yesterday...I just love her
  • plans to see Kira and her babes tomorrow...very excited to have her closer, too!
  • finding out that we got tickets to see Mumford and Sons in September...I've been floating around on a cloud of happiness since B called with the good news on, so, so, SO excited!!!!!!!!
  • seeing the school supplies out at Wal-Mart the other day...I absolutely love summer break and am not ready for it to be over, but this teacher can't help but get excited about back-to-school time every year
  • being literate, my weekly tutoring sessions, and a good book to read
  • getting to find out who our new principal will be tonight or tomorrow
  • nice, long phone dates with Bub, Mama, Laura, and Kate
  • contentment

1 comment:

  1. Oh, great! Another good book to read. I just love your suggestions.
    Have a lovely weekend.


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