Monday, March 14, 2011


Meet the craft that consumed four hours of my life today:

(Try not to be jealous of my cutting-edge hanging system...patent pending.)

You like? I'm a large fan of the finished product...perfect for spring! I got the idea from this super duper blog, and as fun as it was to make, I have a question.

Is there something wrong with me?

You don't have to answer that honestly; I have feelings too, you know! It just seems that, well, things take much longer than they should when I'm crafting. I mean, four hours??? True, you do have to cut out all of those tiny circles and hot glue them together with a button, then hot glue them on the wreath. Plus, the burlap was a booger to get all cut up.

But still...four hours? I'm sure this would be a quicker process if the circles were pre-cut. Anybody care to cut out the rest of my circles? I've got two more wreaths to make. Anybody? Hello? No takers?

Aside from being a time-consuming endeavor, this wreath was mucho fun to make and I'm pretty tickled with it. I think the burlap makes it look rustic and delightfully homespun. My mind is absolutely swimming with potential color combinations. Red and green for, white, and blue for 4th of colors...endless. Don't you think this would be a charming baby shower decoration? Quick! Somebody have a baby, stat!

Somebody else try this, time yourself, and report back to let me know if I'm (vaguely) normal or an absolute snail.

And if you're at all a lover of crafts, check out the rest of this website...I dare you not to be inspired!

Spring break's #1 fan,


  1. I love love love this! Maybe I will make one next week!! SO cute

  2. SO cute! And actually, it looks to me like it would take even longer to make! but I'm a seriously slow crafter :)

  3. Thanks, yall! Glad ya like it.

    Anna Claire, you made me feel better! I feel like I'm definitely on the slow boat when it comes to crafts. The two of us should get together sometime and craft for hours...and hours, and hours, and hours :)

  4. so cute! now I'm dying to make one!


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