Friday, April 27, 2012

Resting and remembering

What. A. Week. More than three hours ago, I rolled into our little town with five other buses loaded down with fifth graders, parents, and teachers. We drove all night and we were beat, but it was so worth it. We just finished an amazing, memorable trip to Virginia and our nation's lovely capital. I was scared to say this too soon but now that the trip's over, I can come on out with it. This was hands-down the smoothest, most successful journey we've had in all three times I've gone. Our little Bus 3 family couldn't be beat, and I'm sad we won't all be together again. I've come to know and love D.C. over the last few years, and it's always exciting to get to share it with people. I'm off to rest up for a year, and then I'll hopefully be back for round 4!

As glad as I am to be home today, I can't help but remember that today marks the anniversary of the scariest day of my entire life. That day changed my life forever, and I can't believe a whole year has passed. April 27, 2011 will always be etched in my mind as the day the tornadoes came...the day I watched on TV as my hometown was devastated...the day we couldn't find my brother and his girlfriend for a sickeningly long time. I still can't watch footage of the tornado heading towards town, and I try to avoid thinking about that day. Thankfully, towns can be rebuilt, wounds heal, and life goes on. Praying for and remembering all those affected in those horrific tornadoes last year (and all the ones we've had so far this year).

Happy weekend, friends.

Be still, my heart

Thankful Thursday, from the bottom of my heart

Helicopters, chainsaws, and obliteration


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